at 716 East Hastings Street, Vancouver
World UFO Day is an awareness day for people to gather and watch the skies for unidentified flying objects.The day is celebrated by some on June 24, and others on July 2. June 24 is the date that aviator KennethArnold reported what is generally considered to be the first widely reported unidentified flying objectsighting in the United States, while July 2 commemorates the supposed UFO crash in the 1947 Roswellincident.
These artists featured in this exhibition truly express their love of all thing outer space, UFO's, and aliens.
Ralph Heading
"Having worked all my life in wood as a journeyman carpenter I got the opportunity to do volunteer work allover the world helping small woodworking shops adapt to the future.
What I saw were mostly men assisted by their wives making things to sell. After work they used whatever objects or materials they found to create art which they sold to dealers ,or at markets .
Pretty soon I changed my interest to these artisans.
From across the world I realized that sculpture can be created from scrap ,that it is the imagination and skillthat transforms these bits into sculpture."
Janice Mae Jacinto aka Jujube
"I am currently exploring the visual manifestations of symmetrical works of art. Through my drawings onpaper, I also have discovered the relationship between Ets and earthly characters and their spaces withinthe compositions. I very much enjoy capturing them in my works by first using pencil, then after ink, thenlater on I colour everything with bright tones shades - giving it a psychedelic vibe! The theme of aliens hasdefinitely helped me broaden my imagination and artistic range."
Lex Kinast (1982 - 2018)
Friends have told me that Lex was a huge science fiction fan who loved tell you all her favorite horrormovies, she loved her dog above all others, and painted like a storm. We are featuring one piece from aprivate collection.
Jen O'Connor
"When I create, I hope to capture the metaphysical transformation taking place which I would describe asthe materialization of spirit through spiritualizing matter. I hope to open a viewer’s understanding ofpossibilities that lie beyond our technical understanding. I work with an openness to create a diverseamalgamation of medium and matter where the whole is greater than the individual parts."
Hong Park
"The universe has always moved me.
I traveled to Jordan in January of 2013. While sleeping at a traditional Bedouin camp in the Wadi Rumdesert, the camp owner came to wake me up at one in the morning. I wrapped a thick blanket around meand followed him to a spot in the middle of the desert where I eventually lay down to look at the sky. Icreated these works while thinking of that magical night in the desert in Jordan. There are moments in ourlives when we try to resist but cannot help but to be sucked into something. Whenever I look at my works, Ifeel my body being transported into the vortex of irresistible power of the night sky. I want the visitorslooking at my works to also experience calm yet immense power that the universe has."

Ralph Heading
Artificial Lifeform #3
2.5" x 2"
Found objects

Ralph Heading
Artificial Lifeform #2
8" x 8"
Found objects, brass fittings
Contact us for price and availability.

Ralph Heading
Truckin Thru Space
15" x 12"
Hubcap , styrofoam cheese cover
Contact us for price and availability.

Ralph Heading
Alien Head Under Glass
17" x 13"
Styrofoam wig holder, LED lights
Contact us for price and availability.

Ralph Heading
Martians to the Rescue
16" x 15"
Styrofoam, LED lights
Contact us for price and availability.

Ralph Heading
Pigs in Space mobile
12" x 15"
Dollar Store parts, Styrofoam, LED lights
Contact us for price and availability.

Janice Mae Jacinto a.k.a. Jujube
Estuary of ET’s
Prisma pencil crayons, indian ink, oil pens
24” x 36”
Contact us for price and availability.

Janice Mae Jacinto a.k.a. Jujube
Starseed Motherland
Prisma pencil crayons, indian ink, oil pens
24” x 36”
Contact us for price and availability.

Janice Mae Jacinto a.k.a. Jujube
Something Cosmic
Prisma pencil crayons, indian ink, oil pens
24” x 36”
Contact us for price and availability.

Lex Kinast
My Alien Friends
Acrylic and glitter on canvas
20” x 16”

Jen O’Connor
Swamp Landing
30" x 22" approx
Oil and LED’s on wood
Contact us for price and availability.

Hong Park
Black Hole
Acrylic paint and cement on canvas
17.25” x 21.25”
Contact us for price and availability.

Hong Park
Acrylic paint and cement on canvas
17.25” x 21.25”
Contact us for price and availability.

Hong Park
Super Nova
Acrylic paint on canvas
21.25” x 21.25”
Contact us for price and availability.
Please note that buyers are responsible for all shipping, packing, and insurance costs.